Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The ASC site is a bit functional...

It's been online for a while, actually, I just haven't had too much time to update it. I still have a bit on my to do list, including a lot of the multimedia content and scheduling information. After that is cleaning up a lot of the format, but otherwise it's a pretty good indicator of its future direction.

My intention is that your presidents and secretaries can more directly inform you of the going-ons of ASC, so having it pull directly from this blogspot makes it easy for them to offer you content.

I hope you like it, and if you don't I offered a link to Mark's old site on the home page.

Visit it at http://www.wm.edu/so/asianstudentcouncil

ASC Welcome Back BBQ + Field Day = ASC Tailgate!

After all the meticulous planning for the ASC BBQ throughout the summer and through the start of the semester - it was sad to see it go down the drain (well, not all of it) due to the ferocious "hurricane" Hannah. That hurricane was a total joke but it did leave the grounds sufficiently wet and I'm sure no one would have wanted to sit/play on wet grass.

So after very last minute planning, ASC BBQ was transformed into ASC Tailgate. Personally, I did not expect to have such a good turn out for such a last minute planned event and lack of publicity (moral of the story..? jk....) But in the end I think around 70 people showed up! A lot of familar faces and also quite a few new people as well, which was fantastic. Most of the food was gone by 5:30 and overall, I think everyone had a relatively good time, so thanks everyone for showing up! Special shoutout to everyone that came to help out :]

Some things to watch out for next year:
- Book a rain location
- Buy more drinks, cookies and chips

Right now the ASC Exec Board have started the outline of our annual Date Auction. It's our biggest fundraiser (our only one actually) for the whole academic year. Most of the proceeds will be used to hold the Winter Formal, which is going to be at the end of November. 10% of the money will raise will go to charity.

More to come on the Date Auction!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

9/1/08 Minutes!

Whatsup everyone. This post is just announcing the minutes and informing those who weren't there with us about what happened and what we talked about. Here it goes.

Welcome to the First ASC Meeting of the Year 2008-2009!
Fellow ASC heads and organization leaders introduced themselves, as well as the new faces such as the freshmen and transfers. I believe it could have been a record turnout for ASC.

We then presented the ASC mission statement, which can also be found in the ASC website - http://web.wm.edu/so/asianstudentcouncil/about/index.html -

First topic: ASC BBQ + Field Day
Date:Saturday, September 6, 2008
Time:1:00pm - 5:00pm
Location:Yates Field

We asked all of the organizations within ASC to donate $20 for the event. Previously, the organizations helped us out by bringing dishes, but we believed that a simple donation would be ultimately cheaper and more efficient.

Grilling time starts at 12 and lasts until 2:30. there were 10 spots for 5 shifts at the grill, and were all filled up within about 7 minutes! talk about dedication.
here are the shifts:

12:00 - 12:45 Juae, Thuy, Mike
12:30 - 1:15 Ray, Preston
1:00 - 1:45 Sam Davis, Mike
1:30 - 2:15 Steven, Amanda
2:00 - 2:45 Uriah, Soojin

Setup Crews/Cleanup Crews
ASC Exec Board, Sonam, Usmaan, Agatha, Kevin, Kang, Justin, Bryan Neva, Esther, Kristen, Adam Wong.
*Also, people are always welcome to help out either for setup or cleanup. Besides, what can be more fun?

There will be an activities meeting for several people to manage the activities and decide what is best for everybody and what will provide the most fun. If anyone is interested, please email bjyoo@wm.edu (Ben Yoo) and he will definitely get everyone together for brainstorming and also putting things down on paper.

The Persian Student Organization has requested becoming part of ASC. We presented the idea to the other organizations, and have given them until next meeting to vote on the inclusion of PSO into ASC. ASC Orgs, please have your answer by the next meeting. PSO will be present in the next meeting to introduce themselves as well.

Third Topic
Other Upcoming Activities:
Date Auction – Oct. 19
iLL-literacy – Nov. 1
Winter Formal – Nov. 22

Last Topic:
We have moved the meeting time for ASC to 7pm in Washington 305. ASC will meet bi-monthly, with reminder emails prior to each meeting.

That's it. Hope everyone enjoyed the meeting, and for those who couldn't come, we hope to see you next time. Till then, enjoy the school year! :)